David A. Christian

I am an American, born in the state of Florida and raised in Pennsylvania. I was born at the right time to serve in the right place with the bravest men in the world, having served in the United States Army as a Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain by the age of 20. At the age of 21, I was medically retired as a Captain with full rank and privileges for life, as a result of gunshot, Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) injuries and Napalm burns. I am best known as a Veteran Activist, fighting for the Vietnam Veteran Memorial Wall to writing Agent Orange and Post Traumatic Stress Legislation. I received a US Presidential appointment. I served with the US Senate as a Senior Advisor for National Defense, Foreign Relations, and Veterans Benefits . I also had a tenure with different federal agencies, domestic and international. I graduated Villanova University, Rutgers Law School and Middlebury College intensive Russian language, using the GI Bill. I was appointed a U.S. Presidential Adviser and worked with Federal Agencies in Washington. I am currently President of DAC International Consultant Company, CEO and President of Medical/Surgical Company and Owner of DAC- Val hydraulic equipment company, supplying the United States Navy and Air Force.

David A. Christian

  • DAC Medical has over 25 years of successful experience dealing with Medical Device, Pharmaceutical and Biologic’s companies.  We have forged relationships with some of the largest multi-national companies in the Healthcare space who offer cutting edge technology and best-in-class service.   We have a vast network of relationships that span the globe and have the ability to leverage and create synergies to create unparalled value and opportunity.
    * Note – we are a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) headquarted in USA
  • Biometrics for National Defence, State and U.S. Government Security.
  • Government with an emphasis on Homeland Security, Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration working with a Service Disabled Veterans Owned Small Business.
  • Manufacturing, Re-manufacturing, Re-engineering, all around support equipment for U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force.
  • Securing/Brokering Natural Resources worldwide (oil, precious gems-metals, construction and manufacturing).
  • The Politics of Business.
  • U.S. Government Contracts (eg., service disabled veteran’s contracts).
  • International Business – working with Kings, Presidents and Business Titans.
  • The Business of Non Profits, benefits, legislation, fundraising, all 501 (C) operational activities.

DAC, Inc.


You need DAC Consulting Firm, Inc when you have a desire to manage successful business in the following areas:

Civilian and military education

After graduating from Woodrow Wilson High School, he entered the US Army to earn “GI Bill” benefits that would enable him to pursue higher education. He quickly progressed through the ranks, completing basic training, Advanced Infantry training,  AIT Drill Cadre School,  Officer Candidate School, J.F.K. Special Warfare School – Green Beret, US Army Airborne School, Vietnam War. He served two tours as a 2nd Lieutenant in Vietnam – First Infantry Division Long Range Recon Patrol/ 75th Ranger, Recon 1/26 First Infantry Division and with the Recon 11th Armored Cavalry. David Christian served from 1966 to 1970 and because of his outstanding qualities as a combat leader and his personal leadership style, two superior officers recommended promotion to the rank of Captain, recognizing Christian as an asset and future value to US Army. However, he was medically retired after being seriously injured with wounds and napalm burns received in combat. Christian, while recovering from injuries which required multiple surgeries, aggressively approached civilian education earning a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science from Villanova University on the Dean’s List as a member of the National Honor Society, and a Masters in Government from University of Pennsylvania. He attended additional Graduate Studies at Bryn Mawr College (Russian Language Institute), Pa., and Middlebury College, Vt. (Immersion Russian Language). He pursued post graduate study earning a “Juris Doctorate” from Rutgers University Law School in New Jersey.

White House Presidential Appointee (1978-1984)

Worked with National and International Unions in developing employment and training programs e.g. (BRAC) Brotherhood of Railroad and Airline Clerk Unions, President Fred Kroll. The training program was in conjunction with US Department of Labor in St. Louis, Mo. AFL-CIO (Lane Kirkland) and the Pennsylvania Building Trade Unions (Tom Miller).

Congressional Candidate (1984-1986)

Won two Republican Congressional Primaries and lost very close General Elections by 8/10th’s of a percentage point. Campaign Manager Ari Fleischer went on to become White House Press Secretary to President George W. Bush.

Presently, maintains strong relationships with both Republicans and Democrats from the Pennsylvania State House to the White House and from the US Congress to City Hall in Philadelphia, Pa.

Victor Veterans Six Health and Fitness Organization Veterans Helping Veterans Fueling Strong Bodies and Minds

David A. Chrisitan, Captain U.S. Army, medically retired for wounds in combat and an internationally recognized as a “Veterans Advocate”  has taken to task to combat the war on at risk physical and mental health of Veterans reducing the risk of suicide.  It has been established that there is a direct correlation between physical health and mental health, he has created a working environment correlating and combining physical activities for veterans with/without disabilities.  The program is free to active military and Veterans. For more information: email [email protected]

US Department of Labor (1987-1998)

Developed and implemented legislation. Developed the first interagency agreement with Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs and the US Department of Labor. Worked with US Congress on Military and Veterans issues. Worked to develop the Vietnam Veterans Caucus in Congress. Wrote legislation to compliment Title 38 United States Code (note legislation was signed into law) reference Veterans Employment and Training.

Senior Advisor US Senate (1998-2006)

Fellowship in the US Senate and US House, advisor in the areas of National Defense, Foreign Relations and Armed Services. Mr. Christian is uniquely qualified to this fellowship by virtue of his experiences in the following countries: Vietnam, Russia, Germany, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Lithuania- supplemented by experience in other regions- to include the Gulf-Mid East-,Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Balkans, The Caucus region of Russia and Western Asia, and the industrial countries of Japan and China. Mr. Christian also has experience and relationships with many Caribbean countries/territories and countries in South America. The Congress further requests that this assignee have interagency understanding and a history of working relationships between different federal agencies to include working relationship with the US Congress (both houses) and the Executive Branch (to include White House Agency Appointments). Mr. Christian has experience working with US Presidents, Members of Congress, Foreign Heads of State and U.S. and foreign cabinet level officials and Mayors of large US cities. This experience helps in preparing reports that are important to the legislative process. A working relationship of more than one foreign language is helpful in the fellowship position. David A. Christian has a working relationship of German and Russian.

Presidential Appointee (1998-2010)

White House Liaison on Foreign Affairs to the Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs and the U.S. Department of Labor as a Schedule “C” Presidential Appointee

Social Activist (1974 – PRESENT)

David A. Christian became the youngest National Commander of the Nation’s oldest veterans organization The Legion of Valor. He was a co-founder of the Vietnam Veterans of America with US Senator John Kerry and Bobby Muller. He helped with the National Korean and Vietnam Memorials in Washington, DC. Even today, Christian continues to speak out for Veterans issues as well as to organize and empower the Asian Communities of the United States.

Author/Commentator/Public Relations

(1987 – PRESENT)

Author for McGraw-Hill and Simon and Schuster. You can currently see David on the National Lecture circuit addressing various Universities and Corporate Groups. Check this site for upcoming appearances.

Veterans and Military Benefit Activist- Expert Consultant to ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and presently employed as a consultant with Fox Network News. Worked as contributing expert on hundreds of radio, television and print media experiences. Worked on numerous historic TV Documentaries – two examples, “Making Sense Out of the Sixties” and “The Ten Thousand Day War”.

“Poor is a nation that has no heroes, but Beggared is a nation that has and forgets…” (quote often used by President JFK)


“Dave Christian was a significant part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial effort in Washington. When the memorial came under attack, Victor Six charged forward. The nation and I will always be thankful for Dave’s courage.”

Jan Scruggs Founder of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC.

“David Christian fought to remind a nation of the trials and tribulations of the individual soldier who bravely served in Vietnam and returned home to face a country without jobs, in need of benefits and legislation. Dave always remembered the creed ‘No man left behind, and applied it to the social battlefield”

Alexander M. Haig, Jr. Former U.S. Secretary of State

“David Christian embodies the spirit of the american fighting man on the battlefield. Dave’s unique and daring approach to life captures the reader from beginning to end. Victor Six is truly an emotional book.”

John Kerry (D-Mass) Former Secretary of State

“His close personal friendships and relations with many foreign business and government leaders have worked to the benefit of this company. His personal character, integrity and keen grasp of common sense in personal and business dealings are of the very highest caliber. It is certainly on a par with his highly respected military career.”

John R. “JR” Taylor/ President, Firecreek Petroleum

“I have known David Christian for decades. This has afforded me the opportunity to work with him closely in many different parts of the world and under adverse and dangerous circumstances. He has worked for Firecreek Petroleum, Inc., a company that I am the President of, on several assignments. Dave’ is recognized as a ‘veteran of the highest caliber’.”

The Congressional Record (U.S. Senate)