DAC Consulting Firm, Inc. – The BUSINESS of doing BUSINESS
DAC Consulting Firm, Inc is a broker of Progress and Success in the private sector, Government (State and Federal) and Non-Profit 501 (C) organizations.
There is an old saying ” that life is who you know” and DAC has applied this saying and philosophy to business, government and industry.
DAC Consulting Firm, Inc has been “in the know” for over three decades.
You need DAC Consulting Firm, Inc when you have a desire to manage a successful business in the following areas:
DAC Medical has over 25 years of successful experience dealing with Medical Device, Pharmaceutical and Biologic’s companies. We have forged relationships with some of the largest multi-national companies in the Healthcare space who offer cutting edge technology and best-in-class service. We have a vast network of relationships that span the globe and have the ability to leverage and create synergies to create unparalled value and opportunity. Note – we are a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) headquarted in USA
- Biometrics for National Defence, State and U.S. Government Security.
- Government with an emphasis on Homeland Security, Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration working with a Service Disabled Veterans Owned Small Business.
- Manufacturing, Re-manufacturing, Re-engineering, all around support equipment for U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force.
- Securing/Brokering Natural Resources worldwide (oil, precious gems-metals, construction and manufacturing).
- The Politics of Business.
- U.S. Government Contracts (eg., service-disabled veteran’s contracts).
- International Business – working with Kings, Presidents and Business Titans.
- The Business of Non-Profits, benefits, legislation, fundraising, all 501 (C) operational activities.
If any of the above business-related topics apply to your business then you are in need of DAC Consulting Firm, Inc‘s Professional Service.
David A. Christian is a member of the Veterans, Military, Political and Law Enforcement Community. He leads the way with DAC Consulting Firm, Inc in securing the best in legislation, benefits, business and political meetings. His most important success is to establish “Positive Bottom Line” results.
DAC Consulting Firm, Inc is a consultant group that you cannot afford to do without as part of your team.