The Wounds of War

93rd Evac Hospital
1st Sergeant Jesse Lascano presenting purple heart in 93rd evacuation hospital in Vietnam

Philadelphia Naval Hospital Recovering from Wounds of chest and lower extremities
Philadelphia Naval Hospital Recovering from Wounds

VIETNAM. David Christian was the "Youngest Most Decorated Officer" of the Viet Nam war seen here showing his war wounds to the Vietnamese. He was twice nominated for the Congressional Medal of Honour. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge for 30 days under enemy fire. He received the Distinguished Service Cross for using a bayonet to knock out six enemy machine guns. He twice received the Silver Star for valour, and he received a Bronze Star. He was awarded the Air Medal for 25 combat assaults in "hot" landing zones - plus seven Purple Hearts. 1997.
VIETNAM. David Christian was the "Youngest Most Decorated Officer" of the Viet Nam war seen here showing his war wounds to the Vietnamese. He was twice nominated for the Congressional Medal of Honour. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge for 30 days under enemy fire. He received the Distinguished Service Cross for using a bayonet to knock out six enemy machine guns. He twice received the Silver Star for valour, and he received a Bronze Star. He was awarded the Air Medal for 25 combat assaults in "hot" landing zones - plus seven Purple Hearts. 1997.