
82nd Airborne Color Guard stand proud to be with David and friends.
82nd Airborne Color Guard stand proud to be with David and friends.

David A Christian speaking at Deciation of Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Doylestown, Pa.
David A Christian speaking at Deciation of Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Doylestown, Pa.

Bud Day (Most Decorated Veteran since Gen. Douglas MacArthur), David A. Christian (Youngest Most Decorated Officer Vietnam), Former Governor and Attorney General of United States Dick Thornburgh
Bud Day (Most Decorated Veteran since Gen. Douglas MacArthur), David A. Christian (Youngest Most Decorated Officer Vietnam), Former Governor and Attorney General of United States Dick Thornburgh

"This nation did a number on them (Vietnam Veterans)......America turned it's back on them" David wears his medals to teach other Vietnam Veterans to be proud that they served their country.
"This nation did a number on them (Vietnam Veterans)......America turned it's back on them" David wears his medals to teach other Vietnam Veterans to be proud that they served their country.

Philadelphia Naval Hospital Recovering from Wounds of chest and lower extremities
Philadelphia Naval Hospital Recovering from Wounds

David Christian receiving Purple Heart in 93rd Evac Hospital in Vietnam
David Christian receiving Purple Heart in 93rd Evac Hospital in Vietnam

David A. Christian at Union League, Philadelphia, Pa USA David A. Christian at Union League, Philadelphia, Pa USA
David A. Christian at Union League, Philadelphia, Pa USA David A. Christian at Union League, Philadelphia, Pa USA

Russian Veterans memorial ceremony Central Russia -Yekatrinaberg
Russian Veterans memorial ceremony Central Russia -Yekatrinaberg

Tony Diamond "Super Veteran" walking outside Mayor of Moscow office after 1993 Revolution
Tony Diamond "Super Veteran" walking outside Mayor of Moscow office after 1993 Revolution

Tony Diamond "Super Veteran" walking outside Mayor of Moscow office after 1993 Revolution
Tony Diamond "Super Veteran" walking outside Mayor of Moscow office after 1993 Revolution

David pinning his Purple Heart on Alexander Rutskoy -Vice President of Russia
David pinning his Purple Heart on Alexander Rutskoy -Vice President of Russia

Misha Goryunov, hero of Soviet Union and Russian Official at Russian Vietnam/Afghan veterans memorial in central Russia
Misha Goryunov, hero of Soviet Union and Russian Official at Russian Vietnam/Afghan veterans memorial in central Russia

Sergeant Major Lawrence A. Jordan - Allied Forces South - Colleague in Bosnia
Sergeant Major Lawrence A. Jordan

David A. Christian briefing General Alexander Haig and General William Westmoreland - security Pat Cubbage ( back)
David A. Christian briefing General Alexander Haig and General William Westmoreland - security Pat Cubbage ( back)

Dennis Fink and Dave Christian Honoring Veterans at Philadelphia Flyers Hockey Game
Dennis Fink and Dave Christian Honoring Veterans at Philadelphia Flyers Hockey Game

1st Sgt JesseLascano, Sgt Jim Lowe, Captain Dave cChristian, Sgt. Tommy Milam
1st Sgt JesseLascano, Sgt Jim Lowe, Captain Dave cChristian, Sgt. Tommy Milam

Recon - Counterinsurgency - Ranger Tactics
1/26 1st Infantry Division-Vietnam
Recon- Counterinsurgency - Ranger Tactics
1/26 1st Infantry Division-Vietnam