Vietnam Trip

VIET NAM. David CHRISTIAN entertaining business contacts. He was hoping to start a commercial enterprise in Viet Nam.

VIET NAM. David CHRISTIAN entertaining business contacts. He was hoping to start a commercial enterprise in Viet Nam.

VIET NAM. David CHRISTIAN entertaining business contacts. He was hoping to start a commercial enterprise in Viet Nam.

VIET NAM. David CHRISTIAN, a highly decorated Viet Nam veteran, with his daughter on a tour of the country.

VIET NAM. David CHRISTIAN, a highly decorated Viet Nam veteran, with his daughter on a tour of the country. He carried with him10x8 glossy photographs of himself in full military regalia, one of which he placed on the tank that broke through the gates of the presidential palace in 1975.

VIET NAM. David CHRISTIAN, a highly decorated Viet Nam veteran, with his daughter on a tour of the country.

VIETNAM. David Christian was the "Youngest Most Decorated Officer" of the Viet Nam war seen here showing his war wounds to the Vietnamese. He was twice nominated for the Congressional Medal of Honour. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge for 30 days under enemy fire. He received the Distinguished Service Cross for using a bayonet to knock out six enemy machine guns. He twice received the Silver Star for valour, and he received a Bronze Star. He was awarded the Air Medal for 25 combat assaults in "hot" landing zones - plus seven Purple Hearts. 1997.
VIETNAM. David Christian was the "Youngest Most Decorated Officer" of the Viet Nam war seen here showing his war wounds to the Vietnamese. He was twice nominated for the Congressional Medal of Honour. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge for 30 days under enemy fire. He received the Distinguished Service Cross for using a bayonet to knock out six enemy machine guns. He twice received the Silver Star for valour, and he received a Bronze Star. He was awarded the Air Medal for 25 combat assaults in "hot" landing zones - plus seven Purple Hearts. 1997.

VIET NAM. David CHRISTIAN, a highly decorated Viet Nam veteran, with his daughter on a tour of the country.